Add AI voice pronunciation examples for all of your flashcards


Add voice pronunciation examples to each word using realistic native-sounding AI voices

Choose from male or female natural-sounding AI voices in 22 languages so you can listen to how your vocabulary words are pronounced rather than just reading them.

Hearing the words instead of just reading them activates more parts of the brain and adds more context to the words.

Secondly, if you're more of an audial learner than a visual one, you can pair the audio with image mode in our flashcard app for a fully interactive experience.

Read the studies here.

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Adding pronunciation examples to your flashcards

If you create your flashcards using our Create from a File or Topic features, we'll automatically add audio to the flashcards for you, using realistic, human-sounding AI voices.

However, if you created an individual flashcard by yourself, you can easily add a pronunciation example to it just by clicking the sound icon, and then choosing the language the word is in.

After a few seconds, the new audio example will be generated and added to your flashcard for you to use in study mode.

Why do you need pronunciation examples?

Adding pronunciation examples to your flashcards is a great way to improve your pronunciation skills. It allows you to hear the word, and say it out loud yourself, helping you to work on actually learning how to speak the word, rather than memorizing it.

You'll also engage more parts of the brain in the learning process, which will help you learn faster and more richly.

Simple pricing, $9 per month.

Try free for 7 days and then just $9 per month after that.


$9/mo and you'll get worry-free access to all features for the next 12 months no matter how many new features I release.


  • Unlimited access to all features
  • Create as many flashcard sets and flashcards as you want
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Don't waste valuable time. Learn more vocabulary words in less time so you can progress faster.

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Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, email me and I'll get back to you ASAP.

    • Is this the same "neural replay" Dr. Andrew Huberman discusses on his podcast?

      Yes! His explanation of neural replay on his podcast inspired me to research the topic further and eventually build this tool.

    • Are there any limits to the $9 monthly plan?

      Nope. Create as many flashcard sets and cards as you want.

    • What if I don't like the flashcard tool?

      You can try it free for 7 days with no credit card required, so you'll have plenty of time to see if you like it.