Studying flashcards with neural replay


Forced random breaks unlocking the "neural replay" phenomenon

The "neural replay phenomenon" refers to the process where the brain replays past learning repetitions after a learning session is finished.

This phenomenon usually happens while you sleep during the rapid eye movement (REM) phase, but it can also happen while you're awake.

By taking random 10-second pauses while studying flashcards in our flashcard app, you allow your brain to replay the flashcards you have already studied, but at a much faster rate, helping you learn words and information faster.

Read the studies here.

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How to use Neural Replay to memorize flashcards faster

What is neural replay?

Neural replay is a process in the brain during sleep involving the reactivation of neural activity that was present during a recent learning experience. This "replay" occurs during certain stages of sleep and is thought to play a role in the storage and formation of new memories.

New results and what they mean for flashcard memorization

In the recent study we mentioned, researchers showed a 10X increase in subjects' ability to learn keyboard typing by taking short 10-second breaks after around every 30 seconds of practicing.

During the 10-second breaks, subjects were directed to do absolutely nothing.

The researchers found that during these 10-second breaks, the subjects' brains were replaying the learning repetitions they had just been doing for the past 30 seconds, doing what can be thought of as "simulated repetitions."

This meant that subjects were tapping into neural replay while awake and during their learning session. The same neural replay that was previously only thought to occur during sleep.

How can you use this to best memorize new vocabulary faster?

Taking random 10-second breaks when studying new vocabulary, such as when studying flashcards or doing listen-and-repeat exercises, will allow your brain to replay those repetitions you just completed.

By taking these short breaks, you're taking advantage of proven memory techniques to improve your language learning ability. You're giving your brain the chance to do the same thing it usually does during sleep and simulate doing many more repetitions of the flashcard or exercise than you could normally do, which will help you memorize the words faster.

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Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, email me and I'll get back to you ASAP.

    • Is this the same "neural replay" Dr. Andrew Huberman discusses on his podcast?

      Yes! His explanation of neural replay on his podcast inspired me to research the topic further and eventually build this tool.

    • Are there any limits to the $9 monthly plan?

      Nope. Create as many flashcard sets and cards as you want.

    • What if I don't like the flashcard tool?

      You can try it free for 7 days with no credit card required, so you'll have plenty of time to see if you like it.