White noise player for flashcards


White noise player enables better learning comprehension

This flashcard feature improves your learning comprehension by enabling you to listen to white noise in the background while you learn new words studying flashcards, you can increase your long-term recall of the words.

Due to a number of neuroscience factors, including a phenomenon called stochastic resonance (SR), white noise can improve word learning in healthy adults by increasing attention and improving memory formation.

You can easily turn the white noise player in our flashcard app on and off in your settings.

Read the studies here.

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Benefits of using White Noise while studying flashcards

Enhance your learning environment with the soothing power of white noise.

Using white noise can significantly improve your learning comprehension. Here’s why:

Distractions can derail your study sessions, but white noise helps mask disruptive sounds, allowing you to focus better. By maintaining a consistent auditory environment, white noise can help minimize the cognitive load on your brain, letting you devote more energy to learning.

How to use White Noise to boost your comprehension

Integrating white noise into your study routine can engage your auditory processing channels without overwhelming them, creating an ideal state for learning. This sound environment supports cognitive functions like memory and attention by reducing both sudden noises and too much silence, which can be equally distracting.

Moreover, studies have shown that certain types of white noise can enhance synaptic plasticity, increasing your brain’s ability to learn new information quickly and retain it longer.

With our tools, simply turn on white noise while studying your flashcards or during any learning session to see the difference it can make. Not only will it help in retaining information but also in maintaining a consistent study rhythm.

Simple pricing, $9 per month.

Try free for 7 days and then just $9 per month after that.


$9/mo and you'll get worry-free access to all features for the next 12 months no matter how many new features I release.


  • Unlimited access to all features
  • Create as many flashcard sets and flashcards as you want
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Don't waste valuable time. Learn more vocabulary words in less time so you can progress faster.

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Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, email me and I'll get back to you ASAP.

    • Is this the same "neural replay" Dr. Andrew Huberman discusses on his podcast?

      Yes! His explanation of neural replay on his podcast inspired me to research the topic further and eventually build this tool.

    • Are there any limits to the $9 monthly plan?

      Nope. Create as many flashcard sets and cards as you want.

    • What if I don't like the flashcard tool?

      You can try it free for 7 days with no credit card required, so you'll have plenty of time to see if you like it.