How online English lessons are helping people all over the Netherlands

How online English lessons are helping people all over the Netherlands

Published: Jun 15, 2021 | By: Lucas Weaver

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Online English lessons are now starting to become the default for many students in the Netherlands. What once was usually only used for sales calls with sales agents far away, video conferencing tools like Zoom Video have become the go-to type of meeting during the COVID pandemic, and it looks like that might be here to stay. 

Think about the many students who live outside of city centers, and even those who live outside of the Randstad. Before COVID, most of these students had to drive or take the train over an hour to get to their English lessons. Much of this was wasted time, such as waiting at a train station, or sitting in traffic. During the pandemic, we've all realized how much more time we can spend with loved ones, or doing our favorite hobbies, when we're not commuting from place to place all the time. 

Two years ago, taking online English lessons was considered an inferior way to learn. There were a few "cheap" tools where you could speak with a teacher for around €15/hour, but the quality of the education was quite low, and therefore students didn't get the improvement they were looking for. Now however, the best teachers can be found giving online English lessons, and they've adapted to the current climate. Now their lesson plans have been designed for online lessons, not just copied and pasted into a digital format. 

In-person English lessons definitely still have their place in the world. We all miss the fun of meeting and spending time with people in real life, and you simply cannot replace the energy you feel with people in a physical location. However, for many in rural areas outside of cities, that missing luxury should not stop them from learning and improving their English skills. And now that we've all adapted from the changes forced upon us, those people are not missing out. 

At Weaver English, we've put a great deal of time and effort into making sure our online English lessons are the best offering available for students in this very situation. We've made sure that the only teachers we hire are comfortable to give high-quality lessons using online tools. We invested in our website to make sure that the entire learning process for students is just as easy as it was when they came to our physical locations. You can register for lessons, choose a teacher, make your payment, or send an invoice to your company, all from the convenience of your student dashboard. 

If you're looking for the benefit of improving your English via online English lessons without having to leave your office or home, Weaver English has you covered. Create your free account today to see just how easy it is.
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Lucas Weaver from the Weaver School

Lucas Weaver founded The Weaver School in 2016. He's passionate about using the latest learnings in neuroscience and education to create the best language learning experience possible for our students, so they can quickly build effective language learning habits that will last for years. Lucas is a graduate of Texas A&M University and after 7 years of living in the Netherlands, he is currently traveling through Southeast Asia while learning their languages along the way.

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