How to make flashcards with ChatGPT

How to make flashcards with ChatGPT

Published: Jul 14, 2024 | By: Lucas Weaver

Create complete flashcard sets in minutes using Weaver School's AI flashcard maker

Complete with custom AI images, voice pronounciation examples, example sentences, and romanized spellings.

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Flashcards are a powerful tool for learning and memorization, whether you're studying a new language, preparing for an exam, or just trying to retain important information.

With generative AI tools like ChatGPT, creating flashcards has never been easier. This guide will show you how to leverage ChatGPT to create effective and engaging flashcards for any subject.

(Plus, I'll show you how you can make entire sets of flashcards complete with example sentences, custom images, and voice pronounciation examples, all without even needing ChatGPT)

Table of contents:

    1. How ChatGPT can help you make flashcards
    2. Step-by-Step Guide to Making Flashcards with ChatGPT
    3. Easiest experience for using AI to make flashcards

The Power of Flashcards

Active Recall Flashcards promote active recall, a process where you actively stimulate your memory during the learning process. This helps reinforce knowledge and improves retention over time.

Spaced Repetition Using flashcards with spaced repetition algorithms ensures you review information at optimal intervals, moving knowledge from short-term to long-term memory.

Versatility Flashcards are versatile and can be used for various subjects, from language learning to science and history. They are also portable, making it easy to study on the go.

How ChatGPT can help you make flashcards

Thanks to Generative AI like Chat GPT, information has never been easier to get.

Especially since GPT 4o, just give ChatGPT a few words and it'll give you pages and pages of information before you eventually have to tell it to stop, or change your prompt to include "be brief!".

When you're making flashcards, AI can save you tons of time and energy by generating all of the content for your flashcards for you.

Generating Content ChatGPT can generate content for your flashcards, including definitions, examples, and explanations. This saves you time and ensures your flashcards are accurate and informative.

Providing Visuals While ChatGPT primarily handles text, it can guide you on how to pair flashcards with relevant images or suggest sources for finding suitable visuals.

Personalization ChatGPT can tailor flashcards to your specific needs, ensuring they align with your learning goals and preferences. No matter how random or niche the topic, ChatGPT can get you the content you need, even if it may hallucinate from time to time.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Flashcards with ChatGPT

There's still a little manual labor involved in making actual flashcard sets that you can use to study without having to stay within the ChatGPT envrionment.

However, with the right prep-work, tools and extensions, you can certainly let ChatGPT save you a lot of work.

1. Define Your Topic

Before creating flashcards, clearly define the topic or subject area. This helps ChatGPT provide relevant and focused content.

Example: "I want to create flashcards for basic Spanish vocabulary."

If you're creating flashcards from classroom or lesson material, gather all that content now and have it ready to upload.

2. Generate Content

Ask ChatGPT to generate the content for your flashcards. You can request definitions, examples, and usage in sentences.


  • "Can you provide a list of basic Spanish vocabulary words along with their English translations and example sentences?"


  • Word: "Hola" (Hello)

  • Sentence: "Hola, ¿cómo estás?" (Hello, how are you?)

Or, upload the files you've collected from your lesson or course and ask it something like this:

Can you extract all the terms relevant to [topic] from these files and extract them into a vocabulary database with definitions, examples, and explanations that I can use to make flashcards to study for [exam topic/overall learning goal]?

3. Organize Your Flashcards

Structure your flashcards by placing the vocabulary word on one side and the definition or example on the other. This format ensures you engage in active recall during your study sessions.

Can you make me a set of interactive flashcards from the attached database of vocabulary words that I can use to study the information?


  • Front: "Hola"

  • Back: "Hello"

  • Example: "Hola, ¿cómo estás?" (Hello, how are you?)

4. Incorporate Visuals

Enhance your flashcards with visuals. Unlike the AI flashcard maker from Weaver School, ChatGPT can't add images to all of your images (you'll hit a limit to how many images you can produce in one sitting, even with Pro). ChatGPT can however suggest types of images or recommend websites where you can find suitable pictures.


  • "Add a picture of a person greeting another person to the 'Hola' flashcard."

Then you can do a quick google search to find a free image that matches that description.

5. Utilize Digital Tools

I've just mentioned one of the drawbacks of using ChatGPT to make flashcard sets vs. using the flashcard maker tool I built here at the Weaver School.

While ChatGPT can give you image ideas, our AI flashcard maker adds an image to every single flashcard in your set automatically, all at one time.

No work done by you whatsoever.

On top of that, all your flashcards are saved in one place where you can track your progress through the cards marking them "learned", and "mastered", and getting daily review reminders in your email based on our spaced repetition algorithm.

And while you can use your in-browser default text-to-speech capabilities to hear how the words on your flashcards sound, your Weaver School flashcards will have premium AI voices that read the words for you with a human-sounding native-speaker example for that language.

This is a huge help when you're creating flashcards for language learning!

On top of all that, you'll get examples, translations, romanized spellings that you can toggle on and off, and you can test your pronunciation skills with our AI prounouncation analyzer.

If you're serious about having the best AI flashcard maker for language learning, you won't find one better.

Other alternatives

If none of the above interests you, there are tons of GPT extensions and plugins, as well as other 3rd party tools you can use to send your ChatGPT generated flashcards to Anki or other tools.


  • Input the content generated by ChatGPT into Anki, ensuring each flashcard has the vocabulary word, definition, example sentence, and image.

6. Customize and Review

Tailor your flashcards to your learning style. Adjust the content, add more examples, or modify the visuals as needed. Regularly review your flashcards to reinforce your knowledge and track your progress.


  • "Add a new example sentence to the 'Hola' flashcard: 'Hola, me llamo María.' (Hello, my name is María.)"

Easiest experience for using AI to make flashcards

If you want to use ChatGPT to make flashcards, you totally can. There are many reasons why you way want to: you arleady pay for ChatGPT Pro, you don't want another subscription.

However, if you want to save yourself tons of time and energy, swap out the middle man, and instead of using ChatGPT's chat interface to interact with OpenAI's information, use Weaver School's AI flashcard maker which combines OpenAI's power with other powerful AI platforms to make the entire process so easy you don't even need ChatGPT.

Give it a try today and let me know how much it helps you!

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Lucas Weaver from the Weaver School

Lucas Weaver founded The Weaver School in 2016. He's passionate about using the latest learnings in neuroscience and education to create the best language learning experience possible for our students, so they can quickly build effective language learning habits that will last for years. Lucas is a graduate of Texas A&M University and after 7 years of living in the Netherlands, he is currently traveling through Southeast Asia while learning their languages along the way.

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