Master IELTS Writing
Master IELTS Writing

Learn everything you need to know to get the highest score possible on Task One and Task Two of your IELTS writing section.

After finishing this course, you'll be able to write excellent academic essays that score 7 or above inside the time limit without even needing to improve your general English skills.

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Pass your IELTS exam the first time you take it
This course will make your experience writing IELTS essays easy and stress-free
Have a plan for your essay immediately when you see your topic

After learning everything in this course, you'll be able to confidently read your writing topic and then immediately have a plan for what to start writing, even if you're not a great writer.

No more nervously staring at a blank page without a plan or idea, and no more worrying about if you're going to fail your writing section.

A shortcut to getting the writing score you need the FIRST time

This course gives you a clear and simple, step-by-step framework that you can follow to write high-scoring essays within the time limit every time.

After learning the framework, you can use it on your own to easily write essays that the examiners have no choice but to give a high score.

Passing your IELTS exam will be easier than ever before

You might think you need to be amazing at English or take tons of courses to get the score you need on your IELTS writing essay, but that's definitely not the case.

The truth is, you're only a couple of steps away from being able to write IELTS essays that get the scores you need -- even if you're not great at English.

What you'll learn...
Get an introduction to your IELTS Writing course.
Test Structure
Learn about the structure of the IELTS Writing exam.
Task Two Scoring
Learn how the Task Two essay on the IELTS is scored.
Task Two Strategy
Learn the best test-taking strategy you need to get the highest band score possible on the IELTS Writing.
Intro to Writing Outlines
An introduction to how to use writing outlines to improve your writing and your IELTS scores.
Writing Your Introduction
Learn how to write the best introduction to your IELTS Writing exam so you can score more points.
Writing Body Paragraphs
Learn how to create body paragraphs that score points. Learn how to use topic sentences, supporting points, and examples.
Writing Your Conclusion
Learn how to write a conclusion that satisfies IELTS requirements and helps you score more points.
Using Transitions Properly
Learn the importance of transitions and how you should use them to keep from losing points in your essay.
Checking Your Grammatical Range & Accuracy
Learn which aspects of your grammar and spelling affect your scoring and what you need to know to get the highest score possible.
Recap of Outline Writing Process
Recap the entire process of writing an outline and turning it into an essay.
Task Two Scoring Revisited
Look back at how Task Two is scored and how we've used the outline process to get the most points possible.
Task Two Closing
Recap all you learned about Task Two before moving on to Task One.
Intro to Task One
Get an introduction to the IELTS Writing Task One.
Task One Strategy
Learn the best strategy to use on Task One to get the most points possible while having time for Task Two.
Task One Outline Prep
Prepare to start writing your outline for your Task One essay.
Writing Your Task One Outline
Start working on your Task One outline so you can write your essay in the best way possible to score the most points and minimize mistakes.
Writing Your Task One Introduction
Write your Task One introduction in a way that helps you score points.
Writing Task One Body Paragraphs
Write your body pargraphs in an easy to follow way no matter what type of visual you're given.
Task One Outline Wrapup
Review everything you've learned so far about writing outlines and turning them into Task One essays.
Task One Scoring Revisited
Look back at how Task One is scored and see how once again we've used the outline process to write an essay that scores the most points possible and minimizes mistakes.
Course Wrapup
Time to start wrapping up the course, reviewing what you've learned, and preparing for what's next.
Next Steps
Learn about the next steps you can do for more independent study outside of this course to help you prepare for your IELTS Writing exam.
Thank You & Goodbye
Time for me to thank you for your hard work and wish you best of luck on your exam.
And much more...
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Created by...
Lucas Weaver

I've been helping people prepare for their IELTS exams via private and group courses for the past 8 years. In that time, I've helped over 500 people pass their IELTS exams. And more people continue to ask me for help every week.

That's over 60 people per year that I've helped to get the scores they need on their IELTS exams so they can do things like: emigrate to a new country, start a new university program, or get a new job.

Now, I've combined everything from all my lesson content and reduced it down to enough to fit it into this short course that will teach you everything they need to know to get the score you need on the writing section of your IELTS exam.

Student after student of mine has passed their IELTS exam and then come back to me thanking me for the course, the academic essay framework, and telling me just how much it helped them write their essays faster, easier, and of course, get the score they needed.

Course Highlights
Everything you'll get with your course:
Video lessons
23 pre-recorded video lessons
Follow-along worksheets
5 worksheets you can use to help you improve your IELTS writing process
2 quizzes with instant results and feedback
Test-taking strategies
Covers the best test-taking strategies to use on the IELTS Writing exam
Academic essay writing
Learn frameworks you can use to write academic essays easily
Thesis statements, intros, and conclusions
Learn how to write effective thesis statements, intros, and conclusions, to score the most points possible
IELTS study tips
Get plenty of IELTS study tips you can use to prepare after the course
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100% money-back guarantee

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Start your course now get the IELTS preparation you need

I've seen too many people suffer the consequences in their life from failing their IELTS exam. Having to delay moving abroad, not being able to start a study program when they wanted, not to mention spending too much money on repeat exam fees.

That's why I created this course to make sure you pass your exam the first time you take it. And to make sure you feel confident using this course to help you pass your exam, I offer a "Pass your writing section or it's FREE" guarantee.

Pass your writing section or the course is FREE

If you don't get the score you need on the writing section of your IELTS exam, simply email me a screenshot of your results and I'll refund you the entire price of the course. Just that simple.

This takes all the risk off your shoulders to take the course without worry. That way you can focus on learning how to use the knowledge from the course to write essays that score points and passing your exam.

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Don't wait. Start your course today to make sure you get the IELTS score you need
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