The bone structure forming the head.
"The skull protects the brain."
The bone forming the front part of the skull, associated with the forehead.
"The frontal bone makes up the forehead region."
Two bones forming the sides and roof of the cranium.
"The parietal bones are located on the top of the skull."
The bone forming the back and base of the skull.
"The occipital bone contains the foramen magnum, a large opening for the spinal cord."
Bones that form the sides and base of the skull.
"The temporal bones are situated near the ears."
A complex bone at the base of the skull with a butterfly shape.
"The sphenoid bone is crucial for connecting multiple skull bones."
A light, spongy bone located between the eyes.
"The ethmoid bone helps form the eye sockets and the nasal cavity."
The upper jawbone that holds the upper teeth.
"The maxilla forms part of the oral and nasal cavities."
The lower jawbone, the only movable skull bone.
"The mandible plays a vital role in chewing and speaking."
The bones that form the cheekbones.
"The zygomatic bones give the face its distinct shape."
The small bones forming the bridge of the nose.
"The nasal bones lie between the eyes."
Small bones forming part of the eye socket.
"The lacrimal bones house the tear ducts."
Bones that form part of the hard palate of the mouth.
"The palatine bones are located at the back of the oral cavity."
The bone forming the lower part of the nasal septum.
"The vomer separates the left and right nasal cavities."
Thin, scroll-like bones forming part of the sidewalls of the nasal cavity.
"The inferior nasal concha increase the surface area within the nasal cavity."