Learning Past Continuous Verbs in English



"She was running in the park when it started to rain."

estaban comiendo

estaban comiendo

"They were eating dinner when the phone rang."



"i was reading a book when the power went out."

estaban mirando

estaban mirando

"We were watching a movie when the lights went off."

estaba hablando

estaba hablando

"She was talking to her friend when her mother called."

estaban jugando

estaban jugando

"The children were playing outside when it started to rain."

estaba estudiando

estaba estudiando

"I was studying for my exams last night."

estaban durmiendo

estaban durmiendo

"They were sleeping when the alarm went off."

estaba cocinando

estaba cocinando

"She was cooking dinner when the doorbell rang."

estaban escuchando

estaban escuchando

"The students were listening to the lecture attentively."