IELTS Vocabulary


a formal test of a person's knowledge or proficiency in a subject or skill

"I need to study for my IELTS exam."

band score

a numerical scale from 0 to 9 used to express the level of English proficiency of an IELTS test taker

"I'm aiming for a band score of 7 in each section."


able to express oneself easily and articulately in a language

"To achieve a high score, you need to be fluent in English."


a high degree of competence or skill; expertise

"IELTS measures your English language proficiency."


relating to education and scholarship

"The IELTS academic test is for people applying for higher education in an English-speaking environment."

general training

one of the two versions of the IELTS test, focusing on basic survival skills in broad social and workplace contexts

"I'm taking the general training module of the IELTS because I plan to migrate."


the act of paying attention to sounds; one of the four skills tested by the IELTS

"The listening section of the IELTS exam includes four recorded monologues and conversations."


the action or skill of reading written or printed matter silently or aloud; also one of the four sections of the IELTS test

"For the reading section, academic test takers will read three long texts which range from descriptive and factual to discursive and analytical."


the activity or skill of marking coherent words on paper and composing text; a critical part of the IELTS exam

"The writing section of the IELTS includes two tasks and varies depending on whether you are taking the academic or general training version."


the action of conveying information or expressing one's thoughts and feelings in spoken language, assessed in one of the IELTS sections

"The speaking section is a face-to-face interview with a certified examiner."